Lancaster County Strategic Plan
The Lancaster County Strategic Plan consists of the County’s mission, vision, guiding principles, strategic priorities and goals, and outcome measures for those priorities and goals. This Plan guides the County Board’s policies and budget decisions in a concentrated effort to make our County an even better place to live, work, and play through an even more effective, more efficient, more focused County government.
We are tracking progress for each strategic priority and goal for the lifespan of the Plan and reporting on that progress biannually.
We invite you to learn more about the Strategic Plan and the progress we have made.
2023-2025 Strategic Plan Report
Progress Report - Feb 15, 2024
Community Well-Being and Safety
Sara Hoyle, Lincoln-Lancaster County Human Services Director
Provide a range of public safety services and enhance access to human services to foster well-being throughout Lancaster County.
Provide a range of public safety services and enhance access to human services to foster well-being throughout Lancaster County.
Enhance partnerships and expand access to crisis intervention, behavioral health services, and basic needs support services.
Ensure residents of all abilities have physical access to government programs and services.
Enhance diversion programs and alternatives to incarceration to decrease the jail population and reduce recidivism.
Welcoming and Diverse Communities
Christa Yoakum, Lancaster County Commissioner
Foster opportunities, services, and effective communication to strengthen the cycle of support and sense of belonging for all who live in and visit Lancaster County.
Provide a range of public safety services and enhance access to human services to foster well-being throughout Lancaster County.
Assess and enhance existing data and data sources available on service provision and community needs.
Establish a communications position to develop a comprehensive, inclusive, centralized, data-driven community engagement strategy to effectively engage the community and ensure a unified approach to addressing community needs.
Support the implementation of the Welcoming and Belonging Plan developed jointly by the City of Lincoln and Lancaster County.
Employer of Choice
Barb McIntyre, Lincoln-Lancaster County Human Resources Director
Implement flexible, creative, and diverse methods of learning and developing the County’s workforce that enhance the employees’ experience, encourage a culture of innovation, and enable employee success through development of their talents.
Provide a range of public safety services and enhance access to human services to foster well-being throughout Lancaster County.
Enhance the pride and satisfaction employees feel as part of Lancaster County through learning and development that strengthens employee attraction, engagement, and retention.
Effectively use knowledge, processes, data, workforce and systems to meet the expectations and needs of those the County serves.
Develop an employee-driven quality improvement and continuous process improvement program to enhance decision-making and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of County operations.
Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Manager’s development and implementation of a DEI strategy within County agencies.
Climate Smart and Resilient Infrastructure
Sean Flowerday, Lancaster County Commissioner
Invest in resilient and sustainable infrastructure to meet changing needs and potential growth, protect the environment, and ensure a safe community.
Provide a range of public safety services and enhance access to human services to foster well-being throughout Lancaster County.
Update the 2018 Transportation Study by developing a 20-year infrastructure needs assessment to begin planning and prioritizing improvements, including needs relative to service delivery.
Develop a climate strategic plan in coordination with other government agencies and partners to increase climate resiliency throughout the County.
Ensure a safe, sustainable water supply.
Thriving Economy
Abby Eccher, Lincoln-Lancaster County Chief Information Officer
Encourage a diversified and resilient economy through intentional growth and public-private partnerships so that Lancaster County residents have the best employment, housing, and opportunities for a high quality of life.
Expand access to technologies such as broadband to rural areas of the County to increase connectivity.
Align zoning to promote commercial and industrial sectors and housing options that support community needs consistent with the Lincoln-Lancaster County 2050 Comprehensive Plan.
Work with the Chamber, through Lincoln Partnership Economic Development (LPED) and Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), to support and advance tourism and their existing and planned economic development efforts, including the expansion of recreational activities in Lancaster County.
Improve access to housing in rural communities.
Support and partner with the American Jobs Center to provide people looking for work with access to job openings.
Increase public expenditures with local vendors.
555 South 10th Street
Room 110
Lincoln, NE 68508